Sensors | Online Level | Online Moisture| Refractometers

Measurement Technologies Corporation can assist in the selection process of online sensor types for various applications including level, moisture and concentration. We also source and configure special sensors or software for unique applications that conventional sensors cannot accommodate.


EASZ - 2

EASZ-2 Water-In-Oil Monitor is a full-bore inline and online highly accurate product designed to continuously monitor the water content in a flowing hydrocarbon media (oil). It is inline because it can be fitted easily into an existing pipeline and online because it can continuously monitor and transmit the values to a remote location. 

EASZ-2 Applications

The EASZ-2 is a full range watercut meter that can measure water content in crude oil from 0-100%. It has great advantages over it’s predecessor because of it’s extended oscillating range.

Measure the moisture content of diesel online by installing an EASZ-2 low range water in diesel monitor. 

Eesiflo’s systems have significantly improved the quality control of products in coconut oil production. 

The EASZ-2 is a full range watercut meter that can measure water content in crude oil from 0-100%. It has great advantages over it’s predecessor because of it’s extended oscillating range.

The implementation of the EESIFLO’s system has significantly improved the quality control of the chocolate produced at the factory.

Both Palm Oil mills and CPO refineries benefit from the wide range EASZ-2 vegetable and fruit oil monitoring unit .

Oleochemicals are currently produced mainly from plant oils and are used for the production of cosmetics, lubricants and other chemical products.

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